Monday, 6 January 2014

TL;DR: Using class to measure love?

I believe most of you have heard about the ex RGS student saying that her friend shouldn't have married an ITE graduate. If you haven't take a look at the photo.

Well, I am disappointed when I see someone with such a mindset.
Yes, we are a country with a certain degree of freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean you can put other people down.

You know what she sounds like to me?
A rich, act smart, air head.

She is entitled to say her opinions, so now I'm saying mine.

I feel that she is just a black sheep. She is disgracing RGS, and NUS. As cliche as it might seem, love isn't measured by how rich you are, where you studied at previously etc.

A guy who graduated from NUS could have no aspirations at all, while another from ITE could be aspired to do something great. I would definitely prefer a guy with goals than a guy with the cert.

Yes, the companies would prefer someone with a cert from NUS than one from ITE, but the one from NUS probably wouldn't last long if he isn't motivated enough.

Another thing, this Heather Chua, did she earn her own money? Probably not, did she get into RGS with her own abilities? Probably not either. She, like many of us, got enrolled into our primary schools because of our parents' decisions. So I don't see why she keeps bragging about it. 

People from higher class won't lose everything is it? They are immune to all the economic downturns is it? Likewise, people from the lower won't rise to top is it? 

I always don't get this class divide. Yes, if you're from a better family background, you'll have a better start in your early years, and because one is so privileged since young, she never understands hardships. She will never got to experience what we "poorer HDB dwellers" got to experience. We had a childhood, we played around like there wasn't anything to worry about. We had neighbours, friends, life long, TRUE friends.

Heather Chua probably only surrounded herself with rich people, this means that she might just leave them the moment they become poor. Like the typical hypocritical friends you see on TV, those who leave you in the lurch when you need help the most.

So, education doesn't determine one's maturity. The more education you get, doesn't mean that one will be wiser, or better at PR-ing. I have met people who are in NUS, but have terrible EQ. They are super bad at making friends and managing friendships. They don't know what should be done/said at which occasion, and they always piss people off. These type of things come with experience, comes when people teach them to you. So, if Heather has never met someone who was willing to be frank with her (probably because they wanted to have more rich friends, so they didn't want to ruin the friendship), she would never have known that this type of opinions shouldn't be said on FB.

Likewise, age doesn't determine maturity as well. As you can see, a 40 year old is behaving like an ignorant little girl, blabbering about things that she shouldn't say. 

Also, if you have gone over to her wall (she has been deactivated though), you would know that you can't find the ITE post anymore. And, she has now started attacking the Muslims because some accused her of posting a picture of the car that doesn't belong to her because of the reflection in the car. 

She said that Muslims are dumb and all.

I just feel that even though these are her opinions, they are pretty disrespectful. We are all humans, no one should be denied of any right. (Same goes for homosexuals)

But then again, she could just be a made believe person, I mean, nowadays, you can be anyone online right? HAHAHA.

And, I think I'm typing rubbish, coz I kinda went like this half way.

Oh yes, and the Rachel Wong saga.
Read it on her blog here!

There has been rumours that she slept with her bestie's bf or something like that when she was still tgt with her ex. But apparently, it wasn't true. 

I think that cheating is definitely wrong, but if she broke up with her ex before getting tgt with her bestie's ex, then I think it's fine. Although it breaks the "sister code", love still can't be controlled. 

Her bestie should be more open about it, since she has already broken up with her ex, why can't her friend be together with him since they are in love? But then again, I'll feel sad if my bestie was together with my ex. 

But if you look at it, it's something that really cannot be controlled.

And with regards to the rumours, everyone can say whatever they want. But I believe, like anyone else, the only thing that matters to Rachel is that her close ones know the truth. What the social media says shouldn't mean a thing.

People on social media like to speculate, they like to talk about something they heard from someone else based on groundless claims. So let them speculate, let them say what they want to say. They don't matter, they don't even know her, and vice versa.

So whether she cheated or not, it is her personal life. The rumours could have been made up to defame her, or it could be true, but no one knows.

So, the difference between Heather's saga and Rachel is that, Heather's was something she brought upon herself because she talked about something that is sensitive on FB, while Rachel was merely moving on to the next relationship, and some one decided to make it known to the world about it. 

So, Heather deserved it, Rachel... hmmm, I don't know la. HAHAHA.

The main idea of this post is to let people know that I am against the idea that other people have, that rich and well educated are better than those who are not. I believe that wealth and education don't determine good you are as a person, character does. 

And, as for Rachel's saga, people can choose to side whoever they want, but ultimately, it is her relationship and friendship. She can do whatever she wants. If we are unhappy, she doesn't even have to bother, to be honest, who are we to her? Whether she's faking innocence or not, we will never know, and what we see online are just hearsay, biased accounts of the story. 

So ultimately, why do we have to feel so upset about it? It isn't even related to our lives. It is her relationship, not ours or our friends'.

Let me continue to think about my bday prep! HAHAHA.
Had been having so much japanese food that I'm so satisfied :)