People keep asking me how to lose weight even though I'm not very skinny :(
But, I am proud to say that I've lost 7-8kg from Aug till now!
However..... I'm not eating healthily now because it is still the holidays!
That's not the main point!
I am here to talk about the difference between being healthy and skinny!
If you've seen my previous posts on losing weight and healthy eating habits, you'll know that I've been telling you girls that you should lose weight healthily.
Losing weight doesn't mean that you stop eating all together.
If you do this for a prolonged period, your body would eventually not know what to do with the food once you start eating normally, and they'll all be stored as fats.
Some people choose to go on extreme diets, like eating only fruits and vegetables, or only juice.
Well, this is good if you are doing it for a maximum of 5 days to just cleanse your body of all the junk (esp after the holiday season) but it's definitely not healthy in the long run.
Your body needs energy, so as you cut down on simple sugars such as white rice, white bread, pasta, you should still eat complex sugars such as wholemeal, oats, muesli.
And alternative, is that you eat white meat or fish in replacement of carbs.
What I ate during my "diets" was chicken breast and salmon.
(FYI, you still need fats, but healthy ones because your organs are cushioned by fats, so if you don't consume fats, it'll be bad~)
At the same time, you should exercise!
If you don't want to go out and run, then head on over to Youtube and search for cardio exercises.
Do those that you can feel the kick afterwards, like literally panting after you end.
Then, to rid those jiggly fats and tone your body, simply do toning exercises.
You should focus on a body part a day, and do it over a week.
Eg: Monday (arms), Tuesday (legs), Wednesday (abs), Thursday (full body)
Something like this, and you can alternate cardio in between!
Like maybe odd days, you do cardio, then even days, you do toning!
This is like the gist hahaha.
And, I know, there will be people who will ask me how to get rid of bulky muscles, well, I don't really know about that. But I think genetics has a part to play as well.
The nature of the sport you do also plays a part. If you do short sprints very often (such as those in touch rugby), then you'll probably have bulkier thighs than those who do long distance running.
Also, do not consume anything within the next 2h after you're done exercising.
Guys (& some girls) who want to bulk up, they'll drink protein shakes right after they workout, but if you just want to lose weight, then you better not.
This is because, whatever that you eat within that 2h frame will be used to repair the damaged muscles in your body, (this is the reason why your muscles ache the next day) making it bigger than before.
So don't eat after your workouts! :)
Then for those who are naturally skinny and have high metabolism rates.
I know you're trying to gain weight, but it seems impossible.
However, you should still eat healthily, eat more carbs, yes. But don't spam fast food.
Just because you're skinny, doesn't mean that you're healthy.
You still can have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and etc because of your unhealthy eating habits.
So, like I always say, eat healthy, do your exercise, and make this unique to yourself!
Adapt to your own liking, so you can do it on a daily basis, don't make this feel like a chore, or else, you'll not have the motivation to carry on with it.
Oh oh, and, not to forget, you can have a cheat meal, MEAL, a week so you can have a goal to look forward to. It's just for a meal, not 3 meals for the entire day ok?
And you know, there's this hype about the thigh gap and now, the bikini bridge.
Well, my opinions about it is that, it makes girls look anorexic.
I know some of you are born skinny, and I'm not talking bad about you, I'm talking about those who purposely want to be stick thin.
Why torture yourself? :(
Why not try to be skinny for life? :)
Heck the trends of having thigh gaps and bikini bridges, just be healthy and you'll be happy!
I'd rather girls aim for abs than to aim for gaps and bridges.
By the way, these are all my own opinions, I don't need everyone to agree with me ^^
And, I'm sharing all these for fun, I am not an expert at this weight loss thing because I'm still not at my desired weight, neither am I toned enough :(