Before I start, I just want to let you all know that this post is all based on my opinions, you can choose to agree or disagree, it's a free world. :)
P.S. It's a really really long post HAHAHA.
I am sure you all know Stephanie Koh, the girl who appeared on kpop star hunt 3 who had the bad attitude?
Read it here
But then, she uploaded a video to clarify her point of view.
It's always like this, people believe what they see online, on the newspapers and etc fully, not knowing that most of the time, the aim of publishers is to attract subscriptions & views, therefore, they are highly likely to not include certain parts of the footage/story.
And with the kpop star hunt, it is supposed to be entertaining. It's just like America's Next Top Model, we watch it for the juicy, bitchy fights. No one wants to watch boring stuff.
So, in the end, we have to take in everything with a pinch of salt. Not everything is fully portrayed nowadays.
So back to topic.
In case you didn't catch it, here are the points from her video:
1) Singapore is no place for an artist
2) Singaporeans are narrow minded
3) Singaporeans are not creative
4) Singaporeans are submissive
5) Singaporeans are not happy
6) Singaporeans are not nice people
7) Everybody just follows the rules
I pretty much agree with most of her points.
You have to admit that she does make a lot of sense, and she's voicing out something that I believe many young people are feeling right now.
Being the same age as her, I do understand where she is coming from. Plus, she had the privilege to go to Taiwan and Australia, she would definitely be exposed to different types of societies and then, that's where she managed to find which she likes.
Singapore does have a place for artists. However, there's honestly not much room for exploration because Singapore does not focus on the art scene much. Even though, it is indeed improving but it is still not sufficient compared to other countries.
I am sure many of you would have said "aiya, it's only art class, doesn't matter"
This is because many of our parents believed that maths & science are better.
Even humanities, social sciences are deemed as subjects that would not earn you much money.
It is just how we were all brought up to be.
Singaporeans are narrow minded?
I believe some are, while some aren't
It is precisely because of the way we are brought up, taught by the system and our parents (who were taught by the system) that the only way to survive in Singapore is to be rich and/or educated.
Therefore, many strive to do so.
With meritocracy, it worsens things, because only the best can survive.
But as more people are getting more educated, it's harder to find jobs even when one is educated.
(so what for right? HAHAHA but it does provide you with a cert and the cert gives you some sort of stability in case anything happens.)
She also mentioned that Singapore is a nice place to live in, ONLY IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT.
This is why, Singaporeans end up trying to reach for what the society forced them to reach.
To get a well paying job and survive in Singapore.
Steph mentioned about how her well decorated English homework didn't receive any acknowledgement from her teacher.
Some of you might think that since it's English homework, it should be done properly.
But then, who in the world set the rules, saying that there should be no drawings or decorations on any of your homework other than arts?
No one right?
So why are we restricting creative juices from flowing?
If I were a teacher, I would definitely encourage decorating of the students' homework, at least it makes studying for my subject more interesting, rather than writing chunks of words.
Don't you understand the idea that once you enjoy the subject, you'll want to study for it?
Well, that's the case for me.
Erm, for the submissive part, I do have to agree.
But it's all because of Singapore's strict rules and our upbringing.
Most of the time, people just don't want to get into unnecessary trouble.
Yes, I'm sure many people would say that Singaporeans stand up for other people, I do see that a lot online, but how often do you see it in real life?
Plus, there are certain things that cannot be mentioned in Singapore for peace's sake, for example things that would result in racial or religious disputes. Although to be honest, race is nothing more than just skin colour (it is true and research has been done).
And, we are a "fine" city, so if you fail to comply to the rules, you'll get fined.
So, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Singaporeans become submissive.
It's just how our society is like.
We just have more rules than other countries, but it is also what makes Singapore relatively safer.
Singaporeans are not happy.
I have to say that no one is happy all the time.
But I believe that most Singaporean kids nowadays are really overwhelmed with a lot of work.
Their parents emphasize a lot on their education because the parents know how far a good education can bring someone.
This causes the kids to have less free time to play and explore, and spend more time cooped up in their rooms, looking at homework, assessment books and attending extra classes.
This also means that the kids have less time to spend with their parents given that the parents have to work, the kids might not be brought with proper character.
I've seen kids who think they know it all when they are only in primary school, but one day, they'll learn the harsh way that not everything goes their way.
Also, many a times, we are forced to study the things that we don't want to.
For example, how much freedom do we have in choosing the subjects in school?
We only get to choose in Sec 3, J1, poly, and uni.
But then again, other than poly & uni, most of the subjects provided for selection are pretty limited.
And not everyone finds what interests them from that list.
So eventually, we are forced to study what is "best" for our future or what we can score well in.
Then when we graduate, how many of us actually get jobs that we like?
I believe many of us end up going into industries that we never thought of going into.
That's why people become unhappy.
But if you think about it, it happens all over the world.
Yet, why is it that when people don't just go and do something they like?
Sometimes, there just isn't enough opportunities available or that, that certain job isn't very well received in Singapore.
I'm sure some parents would still be turned off by the idea of having to have their kids become singers, DJs etc because they see it as a job that doesn't bring much income.
Of course some would allow that, but I've seen cases that don't.
And I'm pretty sure this doesn't only happen in Singapore.
Next, Singaporeans are not nice people.
Are you sure?
Some of them are definitely not, but it's not the case everywhere.
Steph mentioned about how Australians asked her how was her day even though they were complete strangers.
What I have to say is that Singaporeans aren't brought up the same way as Australians.
Singaporeans are just more conservative than Australians, in my opinion.
For me, I would definitely want to help someone out, but some times, I'm afraid that someone might turn me down, or reject me etc.
I personally hate rejections.
And it brings me back to the point that it could be that people are afraid of unnecessary troubles.
I've seen a lot of nice people, especially in the service industry.
I've seen customers who had been really really nice.
But there had been cases whereby there were some who just gave the "I am high and mighty" vibe.
Like seriously? You're here to eat, I serve you your food, I take your orders.
I should provide you with good service, yes, but who do you think you are to be rude to me?
I'll be nice to nice customers definitely, but some people just don't reciprocate your kindness, and it's sad.
And maybe, it's because of these rude people that disheartens the nice people, causing them to no longer be as nice as before. Sometimes, it serves as a form of protection for themselves, as nice people sometimes get taken advantage of. It is true.
And her point about ppl following the rules is the same as the one being obedient.
She repeats the same things actually HAHAHA.
But anyway, I'm not sure if I'm proud to be a Singaporean, but at least I feel safe here, for now.
Given that we don't really have random shootings, natural disasters, and the females are safe to go out at night here.
And, of course, given the course that I'm studying, I'm sometimes quite skeptical about things. But I am open towards a lot of things, because I believe in freedom of expression.
I believe that governments & media everywhere is not 100% reliable.
You have to know that the main aim of a government is to remain in power.
If not, they would not do so much to appease its people.
Well, sometimes, they resort to brute force, but there's bound to be propaganda.
Just that we do not realise it.
If we realise it, it wouldn't be propaganda.
That's why, propaganda tactics change from time to time because people will figure it out over time, making that propaganda useless.
Then, as for the media, like I've mentioned earlier, they are there to create something that captures audiences' attention, some times, they wouldn't even bother if the news is credible or not, they just want the pizazz. Not all, but most.
Okay, every society is different, each has their own set of values, rules and norms.
Those of Australia would differ from those of Singapore's.
And, everyone's preferences differ.
Therefore, not every Singaporean would like how Singapore society works, and not all Australians would like how Australian society works.
So to me, I do appreciate Steph's honesty.
Because it is indeed things that I relate to.
But here, in Singapore, it's where my family, and my friends are.
Even if I'm upset with all the bad news related to our transport system, ridiculous stomp news etc, it is still a place I'll call home.
But I do hope that it'll be become less stressful and more fun, which I highly doubt it'll be. :(
Then again, you do have to acknowledge how good everything in Singapore is.
The education system, though rigid, is pretty darn good.
This is the reason why many foreigners want to come over and study here.
Our infrastructures are very safe, our food are very safe, our medical sector is quite good in my opinion.
So, my point is, in a country, there is always the good and the bad.
You can't have the best of both worlds.
Steph might have been biased because she likes Australia and Taiwan more than Singapore, therefore, her view point would be that Singapore is inferior and hence, she would put out arguments to support her stand.
And since, it is her argument, her stand, her point of view, there is no right or wrong.
People shouldn't hate on her because of her views.
You can't tell a person that their views are wrong, because who said yours is right in first place?
We can disagree or agree, but we shouldn't hate on her because of it.
If you disagree, simply press the "x" on the top and look at something else.
If you agree, you can't really do much either.
So just take it as some sort of a food for thought, to think and reflect whether what she has said really reflects how Singapore/Singaporeans are truly like.
And I saw people attacking her because of her accent.
This, I think is dumb.
Sorry for being mean, but having an accent doesn't really make a very good argument.
She probably lived overseas for a long period of time, therefore she has an accent.
It's just a way to fit into the other country. I'm sure you'll get influenced by your friends after you've hung out with them for long right, why doesn't any call that fake?
Do you get my point? :)
It's not like she went there for a week and came back with that accent right?
If it's so, then go ahead and shoot her with that accent argument.
If not, if you can't think any good arguments to prove your point, then don't talk.
I'm not on her side, nor anyone's side.
I just cannot stand it when people find the most ridiculous reasons to shoot someone, and it just shows how dumb they are. (pardon me)
Soooooo. This is the end of what I have to say, and I'm so tired after thinking of the above essay and a long day out :(
So, I'm sorry if there's any flaws because I'm not perfect.
I'm not forcing anyone to agree with me too :)
Right now, I just want to sleep.