It had been ages since I last went out with my dear girl Sammie, so I asked her out on a food date! HAHA.
We went to my previous work place and I was so shocked when I arrived.
It used to be The Handburger, The soup spoon and the asian thingy all as 3 separate stores but side by side. Now it has turned into a 3 in 1 thing
It used to be a place whereby the waitresses/waiters take orders, then serve to you then you pay, but now, it's free seating, we queue at the cashier to pay and order and then, they serve the food to you.
I was pretty shocked. But then again, I was glad to be able to eat the food that I was so used to last time.
I had burgers for all my meals when I worked at The Handburger. Well, technically, people in F&B only get 1 meal a day because we only eat between lunch & dinner time. But it was good since it helps to control my food intake hehe.
Duck Confit.
It has mandarin orange, mandarin sauce (I think), sprouts and lettuce.
I like it because the mandarin makes the dish nicer hehe.
This is the Chicken Cordon Bleu.
There is cheese in the center of the chicken and it's a bit spicy.
It has portobello mushroom and some sauce that I forgot.
But oh my god, I love this too.
Everything goes well together.
Oh yes, and if you love caesar dressing or garlic mayo, you should really get the sauces and dip your buns into them. It makes the buns taste heavenly.
Another picture of our delicious food :D
I ordered the peanut butter and banana milkshake.
I know how to make it! Give me ice cream and I'll make it for you ^^
Sammie ordered the lychee mint crush.
It's a good drink if you need something refreshing after a heavy meal.
I realised that the milkshake wasn't the best drink to have because it was too gelat :(
This is a new dish on the menu!
Everything but the..
It has fries, sausages, pulled pork, cheese, egg and sour cream (the white stuff!)
So yums ^^
I swear it was so awkward ordering this.
I was like "I want the everything but the.."
Like I didn't complete my sentence like that HAHA.
And like always, Sammie and I always over order. We couldn't finish our food :(
Greedy girls.
We then went to Ion Orchard to buy my Kate Spade wallet!
Stay tuned to my Jan loots post to find out how it looks like ;)
After which, we headed to Honeymoon Desserts at 313 Somerset for desserts! :)
I ordered the fruits thingy with mango juice instead of coconut milk. HAHA.
There's atap seeds, kiwi, mango and glutinous rice balls inside.
I didn't really like the rice balls because it's just plain rice balls :(
Sammie ordered the mango sago :)
Here, you can see both our shadows, attempting to take pictures of our desserts.
HAHA. I just like to tempt people with the food that I eat.
I'm evil like that!~
No, I was kidding.
I just want to record the places I've been to and the food I've eaten :)
Anyway, I'll end off with a picture of my OOTD!
I just want to record the places I've been to and the food I've eaten :)
Anyway, I'll end off with a picture of my OOTD!
I know I'm not super slim, but I loved my outfit for that day hehe.
I felt like some hip hop dancer especially with the shoes.
Act yi ge. HAHAHA.
But everyone kept staring at me :'(
I felt so weird, like there was something wrong with me omg.
Plus, I don't feel very skinny, so I'd feel like they are staring at me because I'm fat D:
Insecurities insecurities. :(