On 12th April, I'm sure your instagram and facebook feed might have been spammed with photos from Electric Run. It is a run with lights and awesome music. It was really fun, although I haven't been to colour run or illumi run, electric run is definitely the cleanest hahahaha. You won't get powder or paint thrown at you :)
And so, we picked up our run packs a week before the actual run at *scape.
Then on the day itself, we arrived and left our bags at the baggage area and headed off to "decorate" ourselves heh.
At first, we couldn't get any glow in the dark paint at all, not even from spotlight, because it was out of stock. Probably due to people buying them all. But, we were super lucky, we sat beside this group of people with the glow in the dark paint, and since they had left overs, they gave theirs to us, for FREE! So thankful ^^
My friends and I, at the run.
But most of the time, I was with Theo heh
And I swear, there were so many people, we waited half an hour in order to start. :(
Loving my accidental blur shots!
My phone was trying to focus when I snapped the photos and omg, it was so pretty <3 <3
I snapped this while the person was trying to throw free glowsticks to everyone HAHA.
Clare and Alex :D
And then, here we are at the first stop!! :)
It makes our glow in the dark paint awesome!
Say hi to the glow in the dark cups!
These are filled with 100plus. :)
Fourth stop!!
The forest was gorgeous, really <3
We tried to snap photos of ourselves using the lights they have there, and some turned out.. creepy? LOL
We were so lucky that this guy came along and when we asked for him to join us for the photo, he gladly agreed! And woah, the effort (Y)
Then, now, the fifth stop, the umbrella land!! <3
Me trying to grab the umbrella LOL.
I almost got it though hahahaha.
And then, we came to the end of the run!
Basically, it was really boring in between the stops, so Theo and I ran haha.
I have no idea how we survived without food at all, we relied on the 100plus provided to us HAHA.
Anyway, at the end, there was the after party.
Definitely not fantastic because the DJ always change the songs during the climax, like what the hell. No one does that please -.-
But the crowd was huge!
Here's another accidental shot. I totally had no idea I took this until I went back and looked through the photos. How the hell did I even snap this, I don't know. LOL. But nevertheless, it was a good shot :)
Then we made our way back to hall to rush down to Zouk. HAHA.
This pretty much summed up Electric Run for me.
I wanted to go for Brave the Rave, but come to think of it, 8 hours of non stop partying sounds crazy and I would rather save the money for Zouk Out. And there's another run, Music Run that is coming up. I probably won't go for something like this again, because they would all be rather similar, so what for. But that's my take, the runs might still differ from each other, the question is, how different are they? So yeap! If you've missed Electric Run, you can still check out Brave the Rave, Music Run, and Illumi Run is gonna be held again this year, so you can join that too :)
That's all for now!!
BYE <3